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On 19 December 2019, a major show car on the world stage is being delivered, and it is scheduled to be unveiled on 6 January 2020 in Las Vegas at the Consumers Electronic Show (C.E.S.).
It is the debut of Japanese electronics giant Sony in the automotive sector, its name is Vision S, and its stated goal is to enter the electric mobility sector also through integrated electronic systems dedicated to safety, driver assistance, and infotainment.
Magna Steyr is a partner of Sony for various activities including a dynamic show car.
STUDIOTORINO was the technical advisor for the construction of the Show Car for Magna Steyr Italy.
For the Stola family, there could not have been a more important occasion to end this month of December, coinciding with 100 years of work on the automobile that began in Turin back in 1919.

Rivoli 19 dicembre 2019. presso la modelleria Mercury. La foto ufficiale della Sony Vision S insieme a parte del Team. Da Sinistra Beppe Aiola,  Ermes Rizzardi,  Valentino Vernacea,  Robert Vernacea,  Cristian Damiano,  Massimo Mingozzi,  Pier Germano,  Walter Isabello,  Silvano Grasso,  Maurizio Damiano,  Beppe Comollo,  Massimo Picariello (ARAS),  Gianpaolo Bedin (Raitec),  Luca Curbis,  Roberto Gatto (GR Painting),  Sokol Kroni (GR Painting),  Federico Cantillo (Magna Steyr), Ruffo Domenico,  Luca Corbelli,  Stefano Vair,  Yasufumi Ogawa (Sony), Manfred Pircher (Magna Steyr),  Marcus Haubenwallner (Magna Steyr),  Sergio Prandi (Magna Steyr), Davide Secoli,  Flavio Secoli,  Tiziano Novo (Magna Steyr) e  Alfredo Stola (Studiotorino)Rivoli 19 December 2019. at the Mercury modeling shop. The official photo of the Sony Vision S together with part of the Team. From left Beppe Aiola, Ermes Rizzardi, Valentino Vernacea, Robert Vernacea, Cristian Damiano, Massimo Mingozzi, Pier Germano, Walter Isabello, Silvano Grasso, Maurizio Damiano, Beppe Comollo, Massimo Picariello (ARAS), Gianpaolo Bedin (Raitec), Luca Curbis, Roberto Gatto (GR Painting), Sokol Kroni (GR Painting), Federico Cantillo (Magna Steyr), Ruffo Domenico, Luca Corbelli, Stefano Vair, Sony Memnber, Manfred Pircher (Magna Steyr), Marcus Haubenwallner (Magna Steyr), Sergio Prandi (Magna Steyr), Davide Secoli, Flavio Secoli, Tiziano Novo (Magna Steyr) and Alfredo Stola (Studiotorino)

The Vision S's beautiful exterior and interior design is the work of the Sony Style Centre in Tokyo, while the colours and materials are from their European centre in Lund.
The platform (chassis, mechanics, electric motors and battery) is provided by Magna Steyr Austria, the body and interior engineering and sub-assembly construction and assembly is by Magna Steyr Italy.
Among the Magna managers directly involved are Manfred Pircher Project Director, Marcus Haubenwallner, Tiziano Novo General Manager of the Magna Italy division and Sergio Prandi Project Leader in Italy.

Rivoli ottobre 2019. Presso gli uffici della Mercury il Team residente Sony.Rivoli October 2019. The resident Sony Team at the Mercury offices.

0304Rivoli October 2019. From the left we can recognize L. Curbis, M. Mingozzi, S. Vair, X, F. Secoli and a. Stole.didascalia

Rivalta 22 novembre 2019 presso il reparto sellatura prototipale Aras diretto da Massimo Picariello. Piero Dimonopoli, insieme a Sergio Prandi discutono con Linda Lissola del Centro Stile Sony svedese la cui sede è nella città di Lund.Rivalta November 22, 2019 at the Aras prototype saddling department directed by Massimo Picariello.
Piero Dimonopoli, together with Sergio Prandi with the manager of the Sony Style Center
Swedish company whose headquarters are in the city of Lund.

060708Rivalta November - December 2019 at Aras. From the left we can recognize Tina, Gaetano Bottiglieri and Aldina.didascalia

09Davide Secoli, Flavio Secoli and Federico Cantillo.10Flavio Secoli

Rivoli novembre 2019. Una visita al prototipo prima della verniciatura di Helmut Gasser vice presidente Magna Engeenering Germania e Italia, presenti in quel momento Tiziano Novo general manager di Magna Steyr Italia e Alfredo Stola.Rivoli November 2019. A visit to the prototype before painting by Helmut Gasser vice president Magna Engeenering Germany and Italy, present at that time Tiziano Novo general manager of Magna Steyr Italy and Alfredo Stola.


15Turin 16-17 November 2019. At the Four Studios center, the technicians of Magna Steyr Austria at work for 48 consecutive hours, in shifts, for dynamic tests and related softweare adjustments.

None 26 novembre 2019 presso GR Painting. Iniziano le attività di verniciatura, Alfredo Stola descrive a Tiziano Novo il dettaglio del logo della Sony Vision S. Da sinistra si riconoscono...None November 26, 2019 at GR Painting. The painting activities begin, Alfredo Stola describes the detail of the Sony Vision S logo to Tiziano Novo. From the left you can recognize ...

17M. Catania, Soko, E. Trentinella, F. Pezzolati, S. Gatto, R. Gatto and A. Stola.18In the foreground K. Sokol, F. Cantillo and R. Gatto. In the background F. Pezzolati, M. Mingozzi and B. Biswajit.

19We recognize K. Sokol and E. Trentinella.20The historic painter Erminio Trentinella.

None 29 novembre 2019. Da sinistra X, Y, Ueda Arinobu e Sergio Prandi.None November 29, 2019. From left X, Y, Ueda Arinobu and Sergio Prandi.

On 10 December 2019 in Rivoli, just a few days before the delivery of the Show Car, a very important deliberation meeting took place between the Sony Management and the Magna Steyr Presidency; the objectives were to verify the quality of the bodywork and interior and the functionality of the systems.
There are only 9 days left to transport the Concept from Rivoli to Las Vegas, and its arrival at the Sony booth inside the Convention Center is scheduled for 2 January 2020.

Rivoli 6 dicembre 2019 presso la modelleria Mercury. Sergio Prandi in coordinamento con Tiziano Novo, qualche giorno prima prepara la visita più importante programmata per il 10 dicembre. E' previsto l'arrivo del completo Team Sony e del Presidente Magna Steyr. Si riconoscono oltre a Prandi Henrik Erbeus (Sony Lund), Federico Cantillo (Magna Steyr Italia). Sullo sfondo vicino al prototipo si riconoscono Beppe Comollo e Beppe Airola.Rivoli December 6, 2019 at the Mercury model shop. Sergio Prandi in coordination with Tiziano Novo,
prepares the most important visit scheduled for 10 December a few days before.
The full Sony Team and President Magna Steyr are expected to arrive. 

Rivoli 7 dicembre 2019.Rivoli 7 December 2019.

 242526Rivoli 9 December 2019. The electronic and electrical team of Magna Steyr Austria at work for the last refinements.
They recognize each other ...

Rivoli 10 dicembre 2019. i Team al lavoro. Da sinistra si riconoscono Davide Secoli, Beppe Aiola, Massimo Mingozzi, di spalle Frank Klein, X, Y, Z, Yasufumi Ogawa, K, Tiziano Novo, W, Takuya Motoishi.Rivoli 10 December 2019. the Teams at work. From the left you can recognize Davide Secoli, Beppe Aiola, Massimo Mingozzi, from behind Frank Klein, X, Y, Z, K, Tiziano Novo, W, J.

Rivoli 10 dicembre 2019 ore 08:00. In attesa dell'arrivo della Direzione Sony, previsto per le ore 09:00.Sulla destra un intensa discussione fra il general manager di Mgna Steyr Italia Tiziano Novo e Frank Klein presidente di Magna Steyr; fra i due Alfredo Stola di Studiotorino e Davide Secoli di Mercury. Sulla sinistra in primo piano Sergio Prandi di Magna Steyr capo progetto Sony Vision S, accanto a lui del Team Sony residente Ishibashi Hidenori.Rivoli 10 December 2019 at 08:00. Waiting for the arrival of the Sony Management, scheduled for 09:00. On the right, an intense discussion between the general manager of Mgna Steyr Italia Tiziano Novo and Frank Klein, president of Magna Steyr; between the two Alfredo Stola from Studiotorino and Davide Secoli from Mercury. On the left in the foreground Sergio Prandi of Magna Steyr head of Sony Vision S project, next to him of the resident Sony Team Ishibashi Hidenori.

Rivoli 10 December 2019 at 09: 00. A manager from Sony management presents the progress of the work.didascalia

Rivoli 10 dicembre 2019 ore 10:45 inzia l'ispezione al prototipo Vision S ormai "quasi" finito.Rivoli 10 December 2019 at 10:45 am begins the inspection of the Vision S prototype now "almost" finished.

32Rivoli 10 December 2019 at 12:00. Sergio Prandi demonstrates the operation of the front lighting group to Sony Management and to the President of Magna Steyr. From the left you can recognize ............

333435Rivoli 10 December 2019. Sony's Management examines other details of the Vision S.
You recognize .............................. ...............................................

Rivoli 16 dicembre 2019. I cerchioni realizzati per Magna Steyr Italia da 2elle Engineering sono gli ultimi componenti ad arrivare. Nella fotografia Ueda Arinobu, chiamato amichevolmente George, simbolicamente insieme ad Alfredo Stola montano l'ultima ruota, come consuetudine gommata Pirelli.Rivoli December 16, 2019. The rims made for Magna Steyr Italia by 2elle Engineering
are the last components to arrive. 

37Rivoli December 16. Davide Secoli and Massimo Mingozzi.Rivoli 16 dicembre. Del Team Sony X e Ueda Arinobu.Rivoli December 16. From Team Sony X and Ueda Arinobu.

39Rivoli 17 December. Takuya Motoishi.40Rivoli 17 December. F. Cantillo, A. Stola and S. Prandi, X, Y

Teams Sony, Magna Austria, Magna Italy and Studiotorino interacted throughout the Show Car's construction period, working side by side in Rivoli.
Sophisticated low-speed dynamic testing of the driving systems took place in a large, secure facility in Turin by Team Sony and Magna Austria before departure for the US, making the Vision S a Show Car that is functional in every detail like few others.

17 dicembre 2019 Rivoli. Parte dei Team Sony, Magna Steyr Austria, Magna Steyer Italia e Studiotorino e Mercury posano in una foto ricordo prima del trasporto della Vision S al teatro fotografico Four Studios a Torino. Si riconoscono da Sinistra F. Secoli, A Stola, M. Mingozzi, T. Novo..............................................................17 December 2019 Rivoli. Part of the Sony Team, Magna Steyr Austria, Magna Steyer Italia and Studiotorino and Mercury pose in a souvenir photo before transporting the Vision S to the Four Studios photographic theater in Turin. We recognize from Sinistra F. Secoli, A Stola, M. Mingozzi, T. Novo ................................ ..............................

18 December 2019 Turin. The photographer Piotr Degler Jablonski, commissioned by Magna Steyr Italia,
begins the official photographic service.



47December 31, 2019.The result of the post-production of the photo shoot made in Turin on December 18:
the official photos of Sony Vision S.

2 gennaio 2020. Il prototipo Sony Vision S via camion arriva al Convention Center di Las Vegas proveniente da Los Angeles.January 2, 2020. The Sony Vision S prototype by truck arrives at the Las Vegas Convention Center from Los Angeles.

6 gennaio 2020 Las Vegas. Presso lo stand della Sony il CEO Kenichiro Yoshida presenta alla stampa il concept Vision S.January 6, 2020 Las Vegas. At the Sony booth, CEO presents the Vision S concept to the press.

6 gennaio 2020 Las Vegas. Alfredo Stola insieme a Manfred Pircher (capo progetto Magna Steyr Austria) e Tiziano Novo (General Manager Magna Steyr Italia) brindano al successo della presentazione appena terminata.January 6, 2020 Las Vegas. Alfredo Stola together with Manfred Pircher (project leader Magna Steyr Austria) and Tiziano Novo (General Manager Magna Steyr Italy) toast to the success of the presentation that has just ended.

It is also for this reason, namely the great functionality and thus the realism of this Show Car, that at the conclusion of the Las Vegas event, on 10 January 2020, the international jury of accredited journalists awarded the Sony Vision S the 'Best of the Show' award.

10 gennaio 2020 Las Vegas la consegna del prestigioso riconoscimento al Team Sony.10 January 2020 Las Vegas the delivery of the prestigious award to Team Sony.

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