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APRIL 2003

In April 2003, the director of the Hyundai style center Mr. Ho, contacted Alfredo Stola to request the construction of a show car to be delivered to the Geneva show in March 2004.
The Korean group was already a customer of STOLA s.p.a. after having built a Kia sports pickup called HCV-II a couple of years before for Mr. Ho.



02Rivoli 2003 the interior models are made in Stola s.p.a.

052003 Rivoli. Giuseppe Comollo 062003 Rivoli. Fabio Sansalone.

072003/2004 Rivoli. On the right of the photo we recognize Cavaglià, Mario Caldarola.082003/2004 Rivoli. Cavaglià, Longo and Caldarola can be recognized with their light gray shirts.

2003/2004 Rivoli. Le fasi finali di montaggio della scocca del prototipo Hyundai E3. Alfredo Stola al centro, a sinistra Carlo Cavaglià e a destra Giovanni Longo2003/2004 Rivoli. The final stages of assembly of the body of the Hyundai E3 prototype. Alfredo Stola in the center, Carlo Cavaglià on the left and Giovanni Longo on the right.

10End of January 2004: start of assembly of the prototype after painting.11End of January 2004: start of assembly of the prototype after painting.

Fine gennaio 2004 fase finale dopo la verniciatura. Si riconoscono da sinistra X, Y, ZEnd of January 2004 final phase after painting. They can be recognized from the left X, Y, Z

February 2004 Final stages of assembly of the prototype, in the photos we recognize X, Y, Zdidascalia

Fine febbraio 2004 nella modelleria di Rivoli il prototipo finito prima di essere trasportato allo studio fotografico.At the end of February 2004 the finished prototype was in the Rivoli model shop before being transported to the photo studio.


Torino Febbraio 2004. La Hyunday incarica la STOLA s.p.a. di effettuare il servizio fotografico in studio una settimana prima del salone di Ginevra.Turin February 2004. Hyundai appoints STOLA s.p.a. to carry out the photo shoot in the studio a week before the Geneva Motor Show.

March 4, 2004 Geneva. The E3 Show Car on the Hyundai stand.didascalia



01At the end of November 2003, and, as usual, in anticipation of the coming new year, the new calenders for 2004 were distributed both within the company, and above all, to all our clients.
The calander was accompanied by a card celebrating the 85th year of Stola's work in the auto industry.




In early February 2004, after a meeting at the Ford offices in Dunton,England between Alfredo and Maria Paolo Stola and managers John Manning and Christopher Bird, Stola s.p.a. was commissioned for the construction of a cabriolet show car.
It was quickly named Vignale, an homage to the historic Turin coachbuilder, the objective of the show car was that it was to be presented at the Paris Motor Show which would open to the press on 28 September.

Febbraio 2004 i coniugi Stola e Manning.February 2004 the spouses Stola and Manning.

Following the meeting with Ford, the following day Alfredo and Maria Paola Stola used the occasion to  visit the Land Rover Styling Center in Coventry.

Febbraio 2004 Southam Warwickshire. Un gradito invito a cena da parte di Gerry McGovern ad Alfredo e Maria Paola Stola. Il ristorante è The Butcher's Aims.February 2004 Southam Warwickshire. A welcome invitation to dinner from Gerry McGovern to Alfredo
and Maria Paola Stola. The restaurant is The Butcher's Aims.

Fine febbraio 2004. Coventry. All'interno del centro tecnico Aston Martin, Jaguar e Land Rover, Alfredo e Maria Paola Stola posano in una bella fotografia con la Reng Stormer da poche settimane ritornata da Detroit.Late February 2004. Coventry. Inside the Aston Martin technical center, Jaguar and Land Rover, Alfredo and Maria Paola Stola pose in a beautiful photograph with the Reng Stormer who has just returned from Detroit a few weeks ago.

Febbraio 2004 Coventry. Alfredo Stola posa con una delle primissime Land Rover.February 2004 Coventry. Alfredo Stola poses with one of the very first Land Rovers.

They met with the Director of the Land Rover Styling Center Gerry McGovern, as well examining the condition of the Range Stormer concept, recently returned from Detroit, and also discussed the construction of a new show car for the future iconic Land Rover Defender.
Upon returning to Italy, using accurate technical analysis, they prepared an estimate for the project using the information they had been given. Unfortunately, a couple of months later Stola received news that the project had been postponed.

Inghilterra, la sede del Tecnichal Centre di Dunton.England, the headquarters of the Dunton Tecnichal Center.At the same time, Pininfarina were tasked with developing, industrializing and building, on behalf of Ford, a convertible production car based on the new Focus.
The work also included the complete realisation of the mathematics for the exterior, and for this reason Giovanni Doglioli, of the Stola CAD department, was sent to work in the UK for six months.

Giovanni Doglioli.Giovanni Doglioli.

The team of Italian and English modellers worked daily, interfacing with Lucio Giarolo, Giovanni Longo and Christian Pastore of Stola in Italy.
The mathematical surfaces were developed with the 3d software Alias, the work being carried out in the same room as the clay model, which was under continuous daily evolution by the Ford designers and planners. The designers in this project were headed by Christopher Bird, flanked by Ehab Kaoud and Marcus Hurst.

Il primo piano di forma dopo il rilievo su clay model del concept Ford Vignale Cabriolet.The first plane of shape after the relief on clay model of the Ford Vignale Cabriolet concept.




Febbraio/Aprile 2004 Dunton. Il lavoro svolto in Inghilterra da Giovanni Doglioli della Stola s.p.a. insieme al Team Ford.February / April 2004 Dunton. The work done in England by Giovanni Doglioli of Stola s.p.a. together with Team Ford.

The work for the construction of the show car was carried out in the prototype department in via Ferrero 9.
The team led by Giovanni Longo and included Aristide Tesauro, Porzio Alberto, Giampiero Fasano, Luca Rosetti, Massimo Rosetti, Beppe Comollo, Giancarlo Cubeddu, Procopio Pasqualino, Cuscuna Mauro, Marchese Vincezo, Grippo Domenico, Vito Schiraldi, Francesco Acquaviva and Pietro Calò .
In the first week of April a pre-series example of the future Focus two-door was delivered to Rivoli, direct from Ford of Cologne.
In parallel with the work of the modellers in England, the design activities were carried out in Italy and subsequently the direct milling of the negative moulds.


Fine aprile 2004 Rivoli. Fasi di realizzazione dei fanali posteriori.End of April 2004 Rivoli. Stages of realization of the taillights.


17April / May 2004 Rivoli. Phases of the practical realization of the soft top. In the first series of photos one of the Ford designers Ehab Kaoud can be recognized and in the second series Mauro Cuscunà.

The front part of the car, with the exception of the bumper, grill and the headlights remained original, while for the two doors only the framework was saved, the rest of the interior was new apart from the instrument panel. The headlights, pedals, and the wheel rims were also made by Stola.
The retractable hard top of this project was undoubtedly the most complex part of the concept and which logically involved both interior and exterior teams.


Inizio Luglio 2004, da sinistra si riconoscono: Vincenzo Marchese, Mauro Cuscunà, Domenico Grippo, Vito Schiraldi, Pasqualino Procopio, Sergio Scursatone, Luca Rosetti, Moreno Marangon e Francesco Acquaviva.Beginning of July 2004, from the left we recognize: Vincenzo Marchese, Mauro Cuscunà, Domenico Grippo, Vito Schiraldi, Pasqualino Procopio, Sergio Scursatone, Luca Rosetti, Moreno Marangon and Francesco Acquaviva.

21Domenico Grippo, Vito Schiraldi, Mauro Cuscunà, Sergio Scursatone and Moreno Marangon.22From left: Beppe Comollo, Francesco Gavina, Leone, Moreno Marangon and Giovanni Longo.

23Beppe Comollo, Francesco Gavina, Mauro Cuscunà
and Leone
24X, Antonio Giovinazzo is hidden behind the quick Longo

End of July 2004 Rivoli. The modeling of the seat foams is finished and the work has been carried out by the Salt-Gavina companydidascalia

Fine luglio 2004. Il concept è praticamente pronto per la verniciatura finale. Da sinistra si riconoscono: Antonino Giovinazzo, Rosario Valido, Giovanni Longo e Pasqualino Procopio.End of July 2004. The concept is practically ready for the final painting. From the left we recognize: Antonino Giovinazzo, Rosario Valido, Giovanni Longo and Pasqualino Procopio.

The Stola family left all operational positions in the company on July 26, 2004 following the sale to Global Immobiliare with less than two months left for the delivery to Ford in Cologne.
On that day the Ford Vignale cabriolet was practically ready for painting which, as always, was to be carried out at Stola; on that occasion by the group A.D.M of Maurizio Di Maria and a small internal team of modellers in support.
The prototype was picked up on 21 September for transport to the Ford style center in Merkenich, Cologne, initially for an internal presentation of the result and for the official photos that would be given to the press.
On 28 September 2004, the Ford Vignale was presented in world premiere at the Paris Motor Show.


28 settembre 2004 Parigi. Il concept Vignale in premiere mondiale nello stand Ford.September 28, 2004 Paris. The Vignale concept world premiere at the Ford stand.

28 settembre 2004 Parigi. Nello stand Ford una foto ricordo. Mauro Cuscunà, Alfredo Stola e Michele Peralta.September 28, 2004 Paris. A souvenir photo at the Ford stand. Mauro Cuscunà, Alfredo Stola and Michele Peralta.


26 JULY  2004

On the 26th July 2004, Alfredo gave up the presidency of Stola spa, selling the whole company, including the holding of Roberto Stola who held an equal share of the business.
The sale included the subsidiaries Estival, Tecnocars and Stola do Brasil, all of whom were 100% controlled by Stola, as well as Stampi 4, Euroweld and Turinauto, in which Stola held a minority stake.
The new owners were "Global Immobiliare srl", a company made up of a group of entrepreneurs operating within the automotive sector.
The following September, one afternoon, Workers, Employees and Executives of STOLA spa invited Alfredo and his wife Maria Paola to the ground floor of the Rivoli model shop for refreshments and the gift of a parchment, signed by each present worker, along with a gold gift.


The parchment was inscribed with a dedication that read:

Hi Alfredo,
the art of command requires faith, but also the ability to understand human beings, their values, their weaknesses, often starting with working alongside them.
This brief reflection is inspired by a text by Francesco Alberoni and is what we all recognize in you.


2 JANUARY 2005


Alfredo's objective however, is to continue working in the automotive sector, whilst also changing his life style.
To continue in the name of tradition, whilst celebrating the 100 years of work of the "Stola Family" since 1919.
With these aims, on January 2nd 2005 Alfredo, together with Maria Paola Stola and with the support of Marco Goffi, form the company STUDIOTORINO srl before the Notary, Mario Enrico Rossi.

2 gennaio 2005 Villarbasse. Alfredo e Maria Paola Stola esaminano i disegni definitivi di Aldo Brovarone.2 January, 2005, Villarbasse. Alfredo and Maria Paola Stola examining Aldo Brovarone's definitive designs.

Marco GoffiMarco Goffi

Among the interests of STUDIOTORINO there is the research and study of "Classic Cars" and "Historic Concept Cars".
The family and work relationships, born from the pure passion for the automobile, continue in STUDIOTORINO with new and extraordinary meetings with the most important designers and Car Men in the world.

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