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Febbraio 2003 Shanghai Una delle prime immagini viste in Cina: il Presidente Jiang Zemin.February 2003 Shanghai One of the first images seen in China: President Jiang Zemin.

02China had become an important market for European companies supplying models, cubing, show cars and engineering.
STOLA had been producing cubing models for the Volkswagen plant in Shanghai since 1999, with the work completed on-site with assistance to the customer personally managed by Tiziano Novo and a small technical group from Rivoli. 
With the opportunity of many trips to China, new customers were acquired through an effective business strategy, month after month.
On one of his trips in 2000, Novo met the Goudong partners who would become field representatives for all potential customers with the exception of VW.
Alfredo Stola, is intrigued by the potential of this great country, and so, shortly before Christmas 2002, he asks Tiziano Novo to organize a purely commercial 10 day trip across the nation in order to visit the major car manufacturers and meet their most important directors..

Dicembre 2002 Rivoli Via Ferrero 9. Tiziano Novo nell'ufficio commerciale in STOLA s.p.a. pianifica il viaggio in Cina.December 2002 Rivoli Via Ferrero 9. Tiziano Novo in the sales office in STOLA s.p.a. plan your trip to China.

Immagine fotografata dalla strada su cartellone.Image photographed from the street on billboard.An impressive series of meetings were organised for February 2003.
A journey to discover an evolving world that, in the following months, would bring even more important work in terms of complexity and value.
This trip actually started from Malaysia with a working meeting with the technicians and managers of Proton as we were receiving their cubing in that month.

Immagine fotografata dalla strada su cartellone.	Image photographed from the street on billboard.In the following days the main car manufacturers were visited, including VW in Shanghai, Brilliance Auto of Shenyang, Hafei Motor in Harbin, FAW in Changchun and to finish, again in Shanghai, Patac, Maple Automobile and the Geely.
In this last meeting with Geely, Alfredo and Tiziano Novo had a long and cordial conversation with President Li Shufu.

February 2003 The trip to China is preceded by a first meeting in Malaysia at the Proton customer.didascalia



February 2003 Kuala Lumpur, Stola and Novo review X and Y, designers of STOLA s.p.a. away at Proton. On this occasion Alfredo Stola meets the CEO of Proton X.didascalia


Dr. Lee wife and assistant of Dr. Goudong with Tiziano Novo, right Alfredo Stola in a souvenir photo with Dr. Lee before entering the VW plant.didascalia


Febbraio 2003 la prima visita a Shanghai presso lo stabilimento della Volkswagen già cliente da qualche anno per il settore Cubing. Novo e Stola incontrano i manager della VW.February 2003 the first visit to Shanghai at the Volkswagen plant, already a customer for the Cubing sector for some years. Novo and Stola meet the VW managers.

Febbraio 2003. Il giorno successivo alla visita alla VW un incontro presso la Maple Automobile.February 2003. The day after the visit to VW a meeting at Maple Automobile.


February 2003 The second visit is in the city of Shenyang to the Brilliance Auto manufacturer, already a customer of STOLA s.p.a. in the Cubing sector. In the last photo on the right, Dr. Goudong.didascalia

Febbraio 2003 Alfredo Stola sta per decollare da Shenyang per Harbin nell'estremo nord della Cina.February 2003 Alfredo Stola is about to take off from Shenyang for Harbin in the far north of China.

February 2003 Here is the entrance of the Hafei Motor management offices in the city of Hrbin.didascalia

Febbraio 2003 Una suggestiva immagine dell'entrata degli impiegati della Hafei Motor nei loro uffici.February 2003 A striking image of Hafei Motor employees entering their offices.

February 2003. Classic ritual photos of Alfredo Stola and Tiziano Novo, on the left with the general management of Hafei Motor and on the right with some technicians employed.didascalia

Febbraio 2003. Il viaggio di trasferimento dalla città di Harbin alla città di Changchun. Sulla destra Tiziano Novo.February 2003. The transfer trip from Harbin city to Changchun city. On the right Tiziano Novo.

February 2003 In the city of Changchun a visit to the car manufacturer Faw Car. On the right, the usual photo of Alfredo Stola with the Faw managers.didascalia

Febbraio 2003. Tiziano Novo effettua una presentazione ai manager della Faw che non sono clienti della STOLA s.p.a..February 2003. Tiziano Novo makes a presentation to Faw managers who are not customers of STOLA s.p.a ..

Febbraio 2003. Alfredo Stola all'aeroporto di Changchun insieme a Tiziano Novo stanno per decollare per la città di Shangai.February 2003. Alfredo Stola at Changchun airport together with Tiziano Novo are about to take off for the city of Shanghai.

February 2003, Shanghai. The last two days with an operational base in the historic Peace Hotel.didascalia

February 2003. Alfredo Stola and Tiziano Novo accompanied by Goudong to a meeting at the Patac company. On that occasion, the Chinese managers showed a certain interest in particular in the activities of STOLA s.p.a. in the Show Cars sector.didascalia

February 2003. Last day in Shanghai, before taking off to return to Europe. Departure from the Peace Hotel and the morning is dedicated to meeting the president of Geely Mr. Li Shufu in Shanghai Fengjing Industriai District. Unfortunately, the photos of the meeting were lost.didascalia

JANUARY 24, 2003


01The lawyer Gianni AgnelliFriday 24 January 2003, Luigi Gallina, sales representative of Stola S.p.A. particularly dedicated to Fiat Auto, already in the office around 07.15, he receives a phone call from Engineer Paolo Ollino Director of the C.S. department. (Experimental Constructions) of Mirafiori.
Without explaining the reason he was asked to immediately go to the factory in via Biscaretti di Ruffia 25 with four expert modellers/assembly technicians.
Twenty minutes later, Gallina with the small team reach the Mirafiori factory and are received by Engineer Ollino in a presentation room, inside which there is a black production Fiat Ulisse, a metallic gray Mercedes 250 hearse and a coffin.
He personally informs them that the lawyer Gianni Agnelli has recently died, and that the Ulysses must immediately be set up as a hearse, using the internal technical components of the Mercedes, modifying and adapting them to perfection.

04ANSA press releas(ANSA issued its first press release on the passing of the Honorary President of Fiat Auto and Senator of the Republic Gianni Agnelli at 08:57; therefore after the arrival of the modellers/assembly technicians at the Mirafiori plant.)
The mood is shaken, the emotion is great, but the sense of responsibility will ensure that the work will begin immediately together with another team of Fiat Auto technicians from the C.S. department. ; the Ulysses hearse must be ready within the next 38 hours.
The work is complex given the size of the Fiat vehicle, but the commitment of the two teams to set up the minivan will be such as to allow the work to be finished on time, also using the night to guarantee the pre-arranged delivery.
On Saturday late afternoon, unscheduled, we are also asked to immediately find an expert to darken only the rear windows, and so the Solar Tech supplier will be involved, who will be the last to finish the job in the evening.
The following Sunday morning the funeral took place in Turin Cathedral, and among the many thousands in attendance also the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

02Turin 26 January 2002: the Fiat Ulisse hearse arriving at the Duomo.

The lawyer Gianni Agnelli has always been a point of reference for the Stolas, a person esteemed and admired, and even without personal knowledge, every work done towards Fiat has always been in a certain sense imagined for him, and only those who are from Turin of a certain generation can very well understand it.

03Rivoli 27 January 2003: a heartfelt letter from Alfredo Stola sent to Engineer Paolo Ollino of Fiat Auto.



MARCH 2003

As soon as the 2003 edition of the Geneva Motor Show ended with the Stola GTS, it was immediately planned to take part in the next, with a "Limousine" derived from the Lancia Thesis.
Called S85, to celebrate the eighty-fifth anniversary of the company.
This prototype, in reality was ready two years before hand and should have been called S82, but its history was complex and interesting, given an unexpected and prestigious development.

A ottobre del 2000 Giancarlo Concilio per conto Lancia rilascia il bozzetto definitivo dell'esterno della Thesis Limousine.In October 2000, Giancarlo Concilio on behalf of Lancia released the definitive sketch of the exterior of the Thesis Limousine.

Luglio 2001 Rivoli. Presso la modelleria Linea Gam di Vittorio Grasso. Un team misto di modellatori della Stola e di Linea Gam realizzeranno gli interni su un prototipo di Lancia Thesis precedentemente allungato.July 2001 Rivoli. At the Linea Gam modeling shop in Vittorio Grasso.
A mixed team of Stola and Linea Gam modelers will build the interiors on a previously extended Lancia Thesis prototype.


Rivoli, from the end of 2000 the actual engineering and construction work on the prototype began with the sheet metal derived from the pre-production Lancia Thesis sedan.didascalia

On 4 September 2000, Alfredo Stola proposed the idea to the engineer Paolo Cantarella as the Stola company was then completing the engineering of the Thesis.
The proposal of this special was immediately greeted with interest, the Fiat Group had already created some limousine configurations on the Lancia Thema and Kappa.
Alfredo explained how the interiors would be very luxurious, with the use of the finest materials from Poltrona Frau and with a wooden parquet floor.
The only condition that Cantarella CEO imposed was that the style should be executed by a Lancia designer under the super-vision of engineer Nevio Di Giusto.

Rivoli July 2001 The Lancia Thesis Limousine S82 in paint shop on the second floor of the prototype department.didascalia

It is also proposed that the prototype be presented on the Lancia stand at the upcoming Frankfurt Motor Show 2001 as a concept.
Architect Giancarlo Concilio, of the Lancia Style Center, is appointed as designer, who will design all the interiors and the extension of the exterior.
At the end of August 2001, a few days before the opening of the show, when the work was finished, the leaders of Fiat Auto unexpectedly decided to no longer present the prototype, postponing the launch to a future date.

Rivoli settembre 2001 la Limousine verniciata in uno speciale grigio-azzurrino anche se pronta non partirà mai per il salone di Francoforte. In quel momento si chiamava ancora S82. Questo stesso prototipo nel 2004 sarà riverniciata con un bi-colore e rinominato S85.Rivoli September 2001 the Limousine painted in a special blue-gray even if ready it will never leave for the Frankfurt Motor Show. At that time it was still called S82. This same prototype in 2004 will be repainted with a bi-color and renamed S85.

The reasoning was explained to the Stola team, a change of strategy in relation to the entry into mass production of the Thesis berlina which was increasingly delayed.
On September 11th, a few minutes after 2.46 pm, the dramatic news of the air attack on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon was spreading at the Frankfurt Motor Show.
The tragic live images from the United States appeared from the screens of the various car manufacturers' stands.

New York 11 settembre 2001 alle ore 15:03 di Francoforte anche la seconda torre del W.T.C. viene colpita.New York 11 September 2001 at 3:03 pm in Frankfurt also the second tower of the W.T.C. gets hit.

The information following the second crash along with the other missing planes spread panic among the visitors of the salon, foreshadowing a world war.
Roberto Stola, together with some of his collaborators of that time, was visiting the Frankfurt Motor Show as the Smart Tridion 4 Concept and the Nissan Cross Bow Show Car were being presented, both made in the Rivoli modeling shop.

Frankfurt 11 September 2001 The Tridion 4 on the Smart stand and the Cross Bow on the Nissan stand are two concepts created by Stola s.p.a. for their customers.didascalia

A week after the attacks on American soil, among car manufacturers a strong pessimism had crept in, also in STOLA s.p.a, many show cars and style models in the course of work and future construction were suspended, canceled or slowed down.
In light of these events, the Lancia Thesis Limousine designed and built at its own expense by Stola was somewhat forgotten, not only by them but also by Fiat managers.
In the first few days of January 2002 came a surprise, after recent experience, the Fiat Auto board commissioned STOLA spa to build another, new, extended Thesis for the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, and two more with configurations still to be to decide.
The style of the interiors for the presidential version was very different from the 2000/2001 version, though once again was the work of the Giancarlo Concilio.
As for armour plating, it was entrusted to the specialist Repetti.

Maggio 2002 Il disegno definitivo della Thesis Limousine presidenziale in colore blu di Giancarlo Concilio.May 2002 The final design of the presidential Thesis Limousine in blue by Giancarlo Concilio.

141516June 2002 Giancarlo Concilio on behalf of Lancia releases the first interior designs of the presidential variant
of the Thesis Limousine.

Rivoli in March 2002 activities begin on the body of the presidential Thesis Limousine which will then be completed with armor plating in the Repetti plant. Who will also take care of the glass.didascalia

The Thesis Limousine will was handed over to the President of the Republic Carlo Azzeglio Ciampi on June 6, 2003 with a presentation at the Quirinale internal courtyard by Dr. Umberto Agnelli and Giuseppe Morchio, CEO of the Turin group.

Roma 6 giugno 2003 presso il palazzo del Quirinale Umberto Agnelli accompagnato dall'AD Giuseppe Morchio dona al Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azelio Ciampi una Thesis Limousine blindata.Rome 6 June 2003 at the Quirinal Palace Umberto Agnelli accompanied by CEO Giuseppe Morchio gives the President of the Republic Carlo Azelio Ciampi an armored Thesis Limousine.

Rome 6 June 2003 at the Quirinal palace the President Carlo Azelio Ciampi sits for the first time inside the presidential Thesis Limousine, which for the record the rear interiors are different
of what will later be the Stola S85.

Shortly afterwards work of the other two elongated Thesis was, unfortunately, suspended.
At the end of March 2003 STOLA s.p.a. re-evaluated the prototype that had never been presented, it had been stored with the aim of showing it the following year at the Geneva Motor Show.
Given past experience and with a rather anonymous grey livery, the Lancia Thesis Limousine was be completely repainted in an eye-catching two-tone amaranth under guidance of Rossella Guasco and Serena Chionetti of the colour department of the Fiat Style Center.
The interiors were also revised to improve the design.

 22Rossella Guasco

23Serena Chionetti

24January 2004. Advertising page for Auto&Design magazine.

Novembre 2003 il disegno in bicolore di Giancarlo Concilio utilizzato per poi sostituire il grigio della versione di fine agosto 2001.November 2003 the two-tone drawing by Giancarlo Concilio used to replace the gray version of the end of August 2001.

Primavera del 2003 il disegno di Giancarlo Concilio degli interni della S85 ripensati visto il tempo passato.Spring 2003 the design by Giancarlo Concilio of the interior of the S85 redesigned given the past time.

Rivoli December 2003. Alfredo Stola in the painting department on the second floor of the factory in via Ferrero 9.didascalia

Rivoli dicembre 2003 sullo sfondo al centro si riconoscono Giancarlo Concilio e Silvia Calautti.Rivoli December 2003 Giancarlo Concilio and Silvia Calautti can be recognized in the background in the center.Rivoli dicembre 2003 posano Gigi Gallina, Alfredo Stola e Giancarlo Concilio peruna foto ricordo con la S85.Rivoli December 2003 Gigi Gallina, Alfredo Stola and Giancarlo Concilio pose for a souvenir photo with the S85.



February 2004 The official photos for the S85 press kit before being exhibited at the Geneva Motor Show.didascalia

April 2004 In the photo shoot organized by the journalist Giancarlo Perini after the show.
On the left Laura Novarese on the right Silvia Calautti della Stola s.p.a.didascalia

 Aprile 2004 Il giornalista Giancarlo Perini organizza un servizio fotografico. La finta autista è Silvia Calautti, una dipendente della Stola s.p.a..April 2004 The journalist Giancarlo Perini organizes a photo shoot.
The fake driver is Silvia Calautti, an employee of Stola s.p.a.

Ginevra. Luigi Gallina si prepara un caffè gustandosi il successo della S85 senza dimenticare la Presidenziale.Geneva. Luigi Gallina prepares a coffee while enjoying the success of the S85 without forgetting the Presidential.To continue the tradition ,this prototype was called S85 to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the company's foundation, and was finally presented on the STOLA stand in Geneva on 4 March 2004.
Luigi Gallina was the manager who followed these limousine projects, from both a technical and organizational point of view, for three years, with passion and competence.


4 marzo 2004 Salone di Ginevra la S82 nello stand della Stola s.p.a.4 March 2004 Geneva Motor Show the S82 on the Stola s.p.a. stand

Geneva 4 March 2004. A very pleasant visit to the Stola stand of Jurgen Hubbert CEO of Daimler Chrysler. Alfredo Stola personally describes the interior of the S85 to him.didascalia

Geneva 2004 Two important visits from design men, on the left Patrick Le Quément director of Renault and
Shiro Nakamura director of Nissan.

Geneva 2 March 2004, On the left P. Arcadipane, A. Stola, M. Mauer on the right A. Stola with Sergio Pininfarina.didascalia

Geneva 2 March 2004 On the left S. Mattin, H. Leschke, G. Grande and J. Piaskowski.
On the right Tiziano Novo with a Chinese delegation of the X

52Geneva 2 March 2004. Maria Paola Stola.

53Silvia Calautti with the two designers Giancarlo Concilio
and Daniele Gaglione

Geneva 2 March 2004 On the left H. Wester, A. Stola and C. Alecci. On the right G. Gallina, L. Minardi
and T. Novo.didascalia

56Geneva 2 March 2004. S. Calautti and L. Novarese.57Geneva 2 March 2004. H. Sinkwitz and G. Grande.

Ginevra 4 marzo 2004 Alfredo e Maria Paola Stola con Fabrizio Giugiaro.Geneva 4 March 2004 Alfredo and Maria Paola Stola with Fabrizio Giugiaro.

Ginevra 2004 Luigi Gallina e Giancarlo Concilio fra i più importanti artefici del progetto Stola S85 e Lancia Thesis Limousine presidenziale. Agli ingegneri Paulo Cantarella e Nevio Di Giusto va il ringraziamento di Alfredo Stola per aver sempre appoggiato questi progetti.Geneva 2004 Luigi Gallina and Giancarlo Concilio among the most important architects of the Stola S85 project and Lancia Thesis Presidential Limousine. To the engineers Paulo Cantarella and Nevio Di Giusto goes the thanks of Alfredo Stola for having always supported these projects.

In 2008 the Lancia Thesis Limousine called S85 was purchased by the Swiss collector Heini Rutz, thus also becoming part of the prestigious Lancia Club Suisse.


62Switzerland 2008: the Stola S85 from the Rutz collection


APRIL 2003

In April 2003, the director of the Hyundai style center Mr. Ho, contacted Alfredo Stola to request the construction of a show car to be delivered to the Geneva show in March 2004.
The Korean group was already a customer of STOLA s.p.a. after having built a Kia sports pickup called HCV-II a couple of years before for Mr. Ho.



02Rivoli 2003 the interior models are made in Stola s.p.a.

052003 Rivoli. Giuseppe Comollo 062003 Rivoli. Fabio Sansalone.

072003/2004 Rivoli. On the right of the photo we recognize Cavaglià, Mario Caldarola.082003/2004 Rivoli. Cavaglià, Longo and Caldarola can be recognized with their light gray shirts.

2003/2004 Rivoli. Le fasi finali di montaggio della scocca del prototipo Hyundai E3. Alfredo Stola al centro, a sinistra Carlo Cavaglià e a destra Giovanni Longo2003/2004 Rivoli. The final stages of assembly of the body of the Hyundai E3 prototype. Alfredo Stola in the center, Carlo Cavaglià on the left and Giovanni Longo on the right.

10End of January 2004: start of assembly of the prototype after painting.11End of January 2004: start of assembly of the prototype after painting.

Fine gennaio 2004 fase finale dopo la verniciatura. Si riconoscono da sinistra X, Y, ZEnd of January 2004 final phase after painting. They can be recognized from the left X, Y, Z

February 2004 Final stages of assembly of the prototype, in the photos we recognize X, Y, Zdidascalia

Fine febbraio 2004 nella modelleria di Rivoli il prototipo finito prima di essere trasportato allo studio fotografico.At the end of February 2004 the finished prototype was in the Rivoli model shop before being transported to the photo studio.


Torino Febbraio 2004. La Hyunday incarica la STOLA s.p.a. di effettuare il servizio fotografico in studio una settimana prima del salone di Ginevra.Turin February 2004. Hyundai appoints STOLA s.p.a. to carry out the photo shoot in the studio a week before the Geneva Motor Show.

March 4, 2004 Geneva. The E3 Show Car on the Hyundai stand.didascalia



01At the end of November 2003, and, as usual, in anticipation of the coming new year, the new calenders for 2004 were distributed both within the company, and above all, to all our clients.
The calander was accompanied by a card celebrating the 85th year of Stola's work in the auto industry.


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