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Settembre 1996 Mike Robison con il primo disegno della Lancia Lybra.September 1996 Mike Robison with the first design of the Lancia Lybra.In December 1996, the Lancia Style Center entrusted STOLA s.p.a. with the construction style model proposals for the future Lybra .
Both exterior and interior hard see through models were required in sedan and station wagon versions.
Project management was entrusted first to the Engineer Fumia and then to Mike Robinson, who, together with the Chiefs of Exterior and Interior Pietro Camardella and Flavio Manzoni, along with Designers Marco Tencone, Alberto Dilillo, Massimo Gay, Andrea Bassi and Bertolusso, directed the Stola modelers in a dedicated office in via Ivrea, Rivoli.
It was Intense and passionate work, where a particular relationship developed between the Lancia designers and Stola modelers.
As always, for Roberto and Alfredo Stola, working for Lancia held a special satisfaction.

Rivoli: between 1996 and 1997 in STOLA s.p.a a proposal for a style model for the exterior and one for the interior was created for the future Lancia Lybra.

Rivoli: between 1997 and 1998 in STOLA s.p.a. Two proposals are made for an exterior model and one for an interior of the luggage compartment for the future Lancia Lybra S.W.