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MARCH 1994

In March 1994, the engineer Leonardo Fioravanti during a visit to STOLA spa in Rivoli, proposed a bold technical research project for a new door.
The name was “Nuova Piccola” and would require the construction of a styling model with opening doors. The idea was to design a symmetrical door that could be opened in either direction, from front or rear.

011994 The design of the special symmetrical opening door was designed and patented by Fioravanti srl.
The project was developed at Stola spa by Gottardo Bustreo and his team on the instructions
of the engineer Leonardo Fioravanti.

It was a difficut challenge, but with the ideas of Fioravanti, and the work of Gottardo Bustreo and the STOLA designers, they carried out a technical study that went on to be patented by Fioravanti srl.
This idea went on to be presented at the Turin Motor Show in 1996 by Fioravanti on the Nyce concept.

02April 1994 Rivoli. The opening door model of “Nuova Piccola” , designed by Leonardo Fioravanti.