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In the end August 1991, STOLA spa was called on by the Fiat Style Center for  the construction of two external and internal style models related to the Bravo - Brava projects.
A very demanding job for the Via Thuile model shop because of the great importance placed by Fiat for these two strategic future models that would replace the Tipo.
The concept of creating two very different vesions but with many hidden common parts  involved many of Fiat stylists and Stola modelers.

011995 Advertising photos of the Brava and Bravo.

031991 The architect Ermanno Cressoni, director
of the Fiat Style Center.
The architect Ermanno Cressoni as director of design was  always in sync with CEO Paolo Cantarella.
The designers on the Fiat Team, both of the exteriors and of the interiors, under the supervision of Chris Bangle were Peter Davis, Mauro Basso, Peter Fassbender, Andreas Zapatinas and Antonio Piovano.
Through their drawings they realised the mathematics in the Fiat  "Piani di Forma and Surfaces "department in collaboration with the STOLA digital modellers co-ordinated by Carlo Mantovani.
The final objective was to certify the style models and then to realize the class A mathematics in order  to build the two Mathematical Verification Masters for the final use of the Fiat mold manufacturing department.

041995 Official photo of the instrument panel of the Bravo designed by Mike Robinson.