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1988 was strategically very important for Alfredo Stola & Sons, employing  Gottardo Bustreo and Carlo Biassoni.
Both Milanese and coming from  Alfa Romeo  they respectively filled the roles of director of design, and controller/ commercial director of the company.

01Gottardo Bustreo02Carlo Biassoni

Bustreo took over the position from Livio Conti, bringing a wealth of experience gained at the Arese technical center through the use of Computervision CAD stations.
The Turin design center therefore received an acceleration in the use of these electronic tools, not only to create the mathematical surfaces for the models but also the design of bodywork, chassis and interior finishes.

031989 Gottardo Bustreo together with his assistant Siro Palestra.

The arrival of Dr. Biassoni was intended to organize, and   re-structure an office that dealt in all manner of commercial aspects of design from analysis, estimates,  supplier management and above all, contacts with customers.
At the same time, in the area of traditional modeling, the design and the management of  suppliers, the absolute need for  detailed  control of every aspect related to the costs was born, and Carlo Biassoni also took care of this.

041988,71 Via la Thuile, Turin. Alfredo Stola and Carlo Biassoni on a coffee break in the old Alfredo Stola & figli offices.