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END 1984

The relationship with Pininfarina went from strength to strength over the years with masterpieces such as the Master Models for the Ferrari 330 GT 2 + 2, 365 GT 2 + 2, 365 GTC 4, Testarossa and the Lancia 037 ago.
At the end of 1984  Alfredo Stola & Sons were involved in the "Pininfarina Cadillac Allanté" project.

011985 Master Model Pininfarina Cadillac Allantè milled with numerical control.021985 Master Model Pininfarina Cadillac Allantè milled with numerical control.

The Allanté program is absolutely unique, Pininfarina were the stylists, designers and builders of all the shells and interior finishes sending them every 3 days via air  fromTurin to Detroit.
Alitalia and Lufthansa Boeing 747 cargos were used, once the complete bodies were unloaded in Detroit the mechanics were installed in the GM plant.

031987 Turin Caselle Airport. The finished bodies and interiors built by Pininfarina are loaded onto the Boing 747 Cargo, Stresa, destination Detroit.041987 Turin Caselle Airport. The finished bodies and interiors built by Pininfarina are loaded onto the Boing 747 Cargo, Stresa, destination Detroit.

A total of 21,430 examples would be built and the Stola Family's modellers would realize the Master Model, the frame models, all the interior models, the copy resins for the moulds and all the control gauges.
In 1984/85 the Allanté was the first program completely realized through the milling of numerical control models; from then on, hand built masters would no longer be used.